Saturday, January 8, 2011

Benedictus Dominus-- First Post!

Greetings to the blogosphere, the world-at-large, or no-one in general!

This is my second attempt at a blog... my first blog was short-lived, due basically to the fact that I had nothing to say. However, having spent the better part of a year reading other blogs, and being an employee of the Church, I have realized I have a lot to say! (joking... mostly.)

But first, the title of the blog... the Benedictus, also known as the Canticle of Zechariah, and prayed daily at Morning Prayer, has long been one of my favorite prayers in the Divine Office.

These are the first words of the father of the Last and Greatest of the Prophets, John the Baptist, after being struck mute by God for a period of 9 months, for his lack of faith in the message of the Angel.

We all are called to a conversion of greater Faith in God, and, once we have an authentic encounter with God, whether as dramatic (or traumatic) as Zechariah's or not, our response should be grounded in the fact that our lives have been forever changed by this act, that we can daily say the same as that humble priest of the Temple-- "Blessed be the LORD the God of Israel, he has visited his people and redeemed them!"

My hope with this blog is to share insights that I have had in to life, liturgy, and reclaiming an authentically Catholic culture in the 21st century, so that we might do our part in building up the City of God. I may comment on other issues of the day, too, but we'll see what I have time for. I'll try to avoid polemics, and be charitable--but... I am human, and therefore, a sinner too.

Until the next post, may God bless you, and be assured of my prayers for you.

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