Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A New Chapter

With my husband providing such an enthusiastic preface, it seems appropriate for me to follow with a slightly more personal introduction.

I am a cradle Catholic, and a farm girl with a love of all things Catholic and agrarian. This upbringing naturally opened me to the beauty of Catholic life and culture, but it was my undergraduate education, a Catholic humanities program of studies with a special focus upon Christopher Dawson's vision of the role of Christian culture in the West, that particularly fostered and developed this love.

Having just recently completed my coursework for my M.A. in Catholic Theology, and with my new-found "free time", I am finally taking up my husband's open invitation to offer occasional contributions to Benedictus Dominus. I expect my musings to be motivated primarily by our daily life and experiences, formed by my educational background, and colored by my particular point of view.

It is my hope that my thoughts and reflections will be of some value, and a complement to my husband's more regular posts. As our family begins a new adventure, I look forward to commencing this concurrent enterprise, and wish to express my sincere appreciation for your future readership, and kind support.

May God bless you!

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